Businesses, large and small, inevitably spend a lot of time and resources pin-pointing their market only to realize that the results don’t actually align to the current environment.
To avoid this, at Thirl we practice a human-centered process: planning, researching, confirming, and iterating as agile as possible.
- Market Research
- Emerging Technologies
We recognize that goals 'crystallize' during the research process, and as such we transition from a quick, high-level market overview understanding; to robust deep dive to lower-level lines-of-business and deptartments as we learn more.
We're a small, friendly organization with an open culture. Our team(s) cover market trends, overviews, outlooks, and consumer analysis. We will do competitive and SWOT analysis with Total Addressable Market (TAM) calculations and market capitalization outlooks.
At Thirl, we partner with data providers, and have access to research tools to speed up the research process, creating charts and graphs. Using technology, we are better able to understand a world awash in data and convert it into stories.
We are able to take mindful decisions, using meaningful insights minus the grunt work for our customers, providing something that can be communicated simply, and acted upon effectively.
Why are we here and working? Our fundamental is understanding your "why" before executing the "how" and "what" of doing it.
It's a beautiful thing, when investment, people, process, social and business outcomes are all aligned.
The "why" of where we are going is just as important as reaching the destination. How we get there is our reason for being.
Finding the data to make better and faster business decisions, allowing directional changes based considered action not market forces.